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*Choose your combination of scents you want in the decription below!
Eucalytpus Premium - EP
Lavender Premium - LP
Wintergreen Premium - WP
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6 intensity levels
22 Hz/1300 RPM
28 Hz/1700 RPM
33 Hz/2000 RPM
44 Hz/2400 RPM
48 Hz/2800 RPM
55 Hz/3200 RPM
*RPM stands for revolutions per minute i.e., how many times the massage gun can hit in one minute

stainless steel 2
bullet head
ball head
fork head
flat head
stainless steel 1
( Lower Back, Hams, Quads)
( All Muscle Group)
( Pecs, Lats, Abs)
( Neck, Back, Arms, Calves)
( Traps, Back, Lower Back)
( Pecs, Abs, Glutes )
recommended intensity level

warming up
22 Hz/1300 RPM
28 Hz/1700 RPM
Benefits: Activate the muscle group
Duration: 1-2 minutes per muscle group
Rest in between sets
Level 3 ~ 4
33 Hz/2000 RPM
44 Hz/2400 RPM
Benefits: Loosening tense & tight muscle
Duration: 15-30 seconds per muscle group

after workout
Level 5 ~ 6
48 Hz/2800 RPM
55 Hz/3200 RPM
Benefits: Prevention of DOMS (Delayed on-set muscle soreness)
Duration: 3-5 minutes per muscle group

Press & Hold the middle button
until the device is turned on
Press again to change the intensity level from 1 to 6.
Press & Hold the middle button
until the device is turned off
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it's so quiet you Won't realize it's on

Hair dryer
Police siren
Fireworks at 1 metre

how does the attachment help?
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